
History of Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 1-Part 3 April 20, 2022

Changes in wastewater funding occurred in 1987. At that time, the Federal Government phased out the construction grants program and replaced it with the State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund. This new funding strategy addressed water quality needs by building EPA-state partnerships. These funds combine federal and state funding to provide low-interest loans for eligible projects.This kind of funding makes financing large upgrades or adding new infrastructure possible for many municipalities throughout the country. These state revolving funds are still in place today and are currently what many municipalities use to upgrade their treatment plants.

The City of Coos Bay has been the recipient of these loans for upgrades to our wastewater system. We utilized this funding for the New Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 2 build, upgrading of Pump Station 17 with a new force main and are using this funding mechanism for the Plant No. 1 upgrade.